Green Planet is all about green technologies and science which contributes to create a healthy and green planet.
Green Planet is all about green technologies and science. The motivation of Green Planet is to create a green and healthy planet utilizing green technologies and science as well as our awareness. Green Planet contains topics like Contribution of Green, Healthy Eating, Photosynthesis, CFL Bulb, LED, Hygroelectricity, Solar Lamp, Solar Attic Fan, Green Business, Green Economy, Green Energy, Green Jobs, Green IT, Green Products, Green Furnace, Green Furniture, Green Car, Green Carpet, Green Tea, Green Building, Biofuels, Biophotons, Bioelectricity, Solar Powered Pump, Solar Water Heater, Solar Boat, Solar Water Disinfection, Daylighting, Wind Power, Geothermal Energy, Eco Friendly TV, Eco Friendly Printer, Jute Industry, Carbon Trading, Ocean Energy, Green Holidays, Wind Power, Hydroelectric Power, Controlling Anger, Power of Meditation, King of Herbs, Green Recipe, Walking for Health, Green Cosmetics, Bioplastics, Green Cell Phone, Rechargeable Battery, Fiber Optic Communication, Green Data Center, How do solar cells work? and many more. To know more about Green Planet, please visit